27 March to 7 April 2024 Waning Moon Reading

Moon Reading by Vassoulla, astrologer, healer and tarot reader.


4/5/20241 min read

27th A Scorpio Moon, Moon trines Mars, and squares Pluto. If we have plenty on our; “to do list” then loads can be accomplished today, lots of energy, Pluto wants to get things done she is relentless, in order to feel satisfied. Strong powerful Pluto.

30th March in Sagittarius Moon trines the Sun squares Mars squares Saturn. We feel enterprising, enthusiastic plus vitality to get things done, there are many levels of emotions here due to our insights but what I feel we are trying to do is tie up a lot of loose ends, so a busy day to buckle down and do what is necessary

1st April Mercury moves retrograde

2nd April waning square Capricorn Moon square Sun trines Jupiter and Uranus sextile Saturn. This energy brings insight, helps us to see clearly right from the center of our beings, so assisting in viewing a much larger view point and able if needed to make changes here easily, before the coming new moon a day where we are constructive creative with a knowingness that brings confidence and clarity.

4th April Moon sextiles Sun square Jupiter and squares Uranus. There’s a lot of energy today and we feel we can accomplish so much, but be careful of hiccups along the way we have energy yes but there’s an energy that can be frustrating so holding us back, therefore try not to charge ahead go with the flow and do what we can.

6th April the Crescent Moon conjuncts Mars and Saturn, both in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus. We are preparing for the new Moon here, Mars and Saturn are saying lets join forces with Jupiter, feelings are a new stability concerning finances for we-the-people, which will bring equality fairness and balance.

7th Dark of the Moon conjuncts Venus and Neptune sextiles Pluto a blessed conjunction plus energy of Pluto makes for dreams visions inspiration and so much more, It’s wise to take note of dreams and feelings as they will serve us so well for the coming new Moon.